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 Competitions Application

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Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Posts : 172
Points : 645
Reputation : 8
Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 30
Location : Buckinghamshire, England

Competitions Application Empty
PostSubject: Competitions Application   Competitions Application Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 11:47 am

Okay this is the Competition Application. If you can't fill in some of the fields don't worry. If you need help with any of the fields ask any of the Staff and they will help you.

Competition Name:
Competition Type:
Competition Length:
Competition Rules*:
Competition Moderator***:

*Not necessarily rules like No swearing etc. Rules like what do the participants do etc.
**If the prizes are point related speak to an admin to get them to process the necessary request.
***An actual staff Moderator isn't needed, you can just fill in the name of the person who will be hosting the competition. If however you want a staff Moderator to host it then fill in the name of the Moderator you wish.

Post all applications in THIS TOPIC. Thanks

Lone Wolf~
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